The story of Diving World Red Sea began in 1985 with the birth of the Diving World Centre in Hurghada, one of the first underwater divng centres in the egyptian Red Sea. Ours is a journey that developed among the first fishing villages and it is a story of a dream come true: the dream of a group of men enamored of the sea, its colors, shapes and of the sensation of a country still untouched by mass tourism. A journey involving tenacità and willpower, and the determination to direct our boats into the deepest South of the Red Sea to discover, among islands and coral reefs, the best possibile itineraries. Pleased with the results obtained, and full of enthusiasm, we celebrated our fifth anniversari in 1990 by opening Diving World Sharm el Sheikh. In the same year we reached the island of Zabargad, creating a new tourist frontier in underwater diving. Our development and continual searc for new diving points has always been a priorità, and 1996 we reached St. Johns Reef and the Sudan coast. In 1999, we enlarged our complex with the opening of the diving center of Soma Bay. Our development coincided with an increase of tourism in Egypt, and the consequent extraordinary interest in this country has made the Egyptian authorities more aware of their country's natural heritage and the necessity of creating new and more severe rules, which have also been applied to underwater diving enthusiasts. Our fleet of boats has grown steadily over the years: new boats have been added to those already existing so that the new itineraries can be coverei and explored in the most beautiful placet the Egyptian Red Sea has to offer; placet like The Brothers, Daedalus Reef and the Island of Zabargad that never fails to enchant its visitors. We will soon be able to offer other fascinatine routes to our clients. Having already crossed the Egyptian border to explore the wonderful seabeds of the Sudan, a country that is still without any form of tourist organization, we are now working on new sites in the Red Sea in our endeavor to find exciting new diving points. Still far from its conclusion, new discoveries stretch out ahead on the journey we starter more than fifteen years ago, a journey representing a dream that has changed our lives and developed beyond belief adding to our experience, which we have been able to consolidate thanks to a confrontation of ideas with those who believe in us and have helped us on our way.